Florence, Italy -- This city is a living museum!! Every corner you take there is something new, a statue, painting or an incredible building. Nothing beats seeing the David by Michelangelo, or the Botticelli's in the Uffizi gallery!!!
Florence |
Chichen-Itza and Palenque, Mexico -- Some of the most stunning Mayan archealogical site that I have been to. Chichen because I lived 5 mins away. Palenque, all of it, the location, the temples, the rain forest and all the wild life that live on the site.
Chichen-Itza |
Stonehenge |
Stonehenge, UK -- As an Anthropologist, this is one of those places that you have to visit before moving on to the next plain. My lovely wife took me there as a surprise for my birthday a few years ago. We arrived in the early hours of the day, no coaches there at the time, it was foggy and magical. WOW!!
The happy couple!! |
Maldives -- My wife and I had our honeymoon there. Definitely one of the best places for honeymooners and snorkelling.
Malvern, UK -- The Malvern Hills in the UK have a magic about them. We have a little caravan at the foot of the hills, which every weekend we have extra tasty BBQ's. The hills are blessed with a large number of fresh water springs, of which, many contain water that is fit for a Queen. According to some, this is where the Queen Mother used to get her drinking water from!!??!! It is a home away from home, not too far and not too close, just the right distance from our flat.